SAT 2006
Invited Speakers
Karem Sakallah
University of Michigan USA
Fahiem Bacchus
University of Toronto Canada
Program Chairs
Armin Biere Johannes
Kepler Universität Austria
Carla Gomes
Cornell University USA
Important Dates
March |
10 |
Abstract Submission |
March |
17 |
Paper Submission |
April |
28 |
Author Notification |
May |
19 |
Final Version |
Program Committee
Dimitris Achlioptas
UC Santa Cruz USA
Carlos Ansotegui IIIA
Fahiem Bacchus
University of Toronto Canada
Paul Beame
University of Washington USA
Alessandro Cimatti
ITC-irst Italy
Niklas Eén Cadence
Berkeley Labs USA
Giunchiglia Università di Genova Italy
Holger Hoos University
of British Columbia Canada
Henry Kautz
University of Washington USA
Kleine Büning Universität Paderborn Germany
Kukula Synopsys ATG USA
Daniel Le
Berre Université d'Artois France
Inês Lynce
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Portugal
Hans van Maaren
Universiteit Delft Netherlands
Sharad Malik
Princeton University USA
João Marques-Silva
University of Southampton UK
Cristopher Moore
University of New Mexico / SFI USA
Rintanen National ICT Australia
Ashish Sabharwal
Cornell University USA
Bart Selman
Cornell University USA
Carsten Sinz Johannes
Kepler Universität Austria
Ewald Speckenmeyer Universität Köln Germany
Ofer Strichman
Technion Israel
Stefan Szeider
Durham University UK
Allen Van Gelder UC
Santa Cruz USA
Miroslav Velev
Consultant USA
Toby Walsh National
ICT Australia
Zhang Microsoft Research Silicon Valley USA
Zecchina ICTP Italy
SAT Race
Carsten Sinz Johannes
Kepler Universität Austria
Nina Amla
Cadence Design Systems USA
João Marques-Silva
University of Southampton UK
Emmanuel Zarpas IBM Haifa Israel
Daniel Le
Berre Université d'Artois France
Laurent Simon Université
Paris-Sud France
QBF Evaluation
Narizzano Università di Genova Italy
Luca Pulina
Università di Genova Italy
Armando Tacchella
Università di Genova Italy
Pseudo Boolean Evaluation
Vasco Manquinho
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Portugal
Roussel Université d'Artois France
MAX-SAT Evaluation
Josep Argelich
Universitat de Lleida Spain
Chu Min Li
Université de Picardie France
Felip Manyà IIIA-CSIC
Jordi Planes
Universitat de Lleida Spain
Ninth International Conference on
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing
August 12 - 15
Seattle, Washington, USA
Affiliated to FLOC'06
[ events |
scope | history | cfp |
accepted | program ]
As SAT'06 is part of FLOC'06 these pages became obsolete. The
official SAT'06
home page, though with the same contents, is hosted by EasyChair. We simply keep these
pages as a backup.
The International Conference on Theory and Applications of
Satisfiability Testing is the primary annual meeting for
researchers studying the propositional satisfiability problem
Many hard combinatorial problems can be encoded into SAT.
Therefore any improvement on heuristics on the practical side, as
wells as theoretical insight into SAT apply to a large range of
real-world problems. More specifically, many important practical
verification problems can be rephrased as SAT problems. This
applies to verification problems in hardware and software. Thus SAT
is becoming one of the most important core technologies to verify
secure and dependable systems.
The topics of the conference span practical and theoretical
research on SAT and its applications and include but are not
limited to
- Proof Systems and Proof Complexity
- Search Algorithms and Heuristics
- Analysis of Algorithms
- Hard Instances
- Randomized Formulae
- Problem Encodings
- Industrial Applications
- Solvers, Simplifiers and Tools
- Case Studies and Empirical results
SAT is interpreted in a rather broad sense: besides
propositional satisfiability, it includes the domain of quantified
boolean formulae (QBF), constraints programming techniques (CSP)
for word-level problems and their propositional encoding and
particularly satisfiability modulo theories (SMT).
The last conference SAT'05 was held in St
Andrews, Scotland, and SAT'04 in Vancouver, BC,
Canada. The proceedings of SAT 2005 are published as
volume 3569 of
LNCS. See for more
SAT'06 is part of FLOC'06, the fourth
Federated Logic Conference, which will host, in addition to
Here are the outdated PDF and ASCII versions of the
Call for Papers.
Out of 80 submissions the program comittee selected 26 regular
and 11 short papers for oral presentation and inclusion into the
proceedings which will be published by Springer in the LNCS series. The list of
accepted papers
resides on a seperate page.
The program
is also available on a seperate page.